These photos were submitted by: Chelsea Gehrken. Chelsea is a Momma, Doula, and Aromatherapist and “a lactivist, intactavist, and AP kinda gal!” Chelsea writes: “My journey with breastfeeding was at first a long and hard road. We used an SNS and donor milk quite often in the first year. Luckily we (my LO and I) both love nursing. We stuck to it! There are no words that can explain the pride I fill up with when I look at my 20 month old nursing. There were moments, even days when I didn’t think we would last much longer. But, here we are, despite all our troubles we did it and will continue to until he chooses to wean!!”

I love you Chelsea – you have blossomed into a beautiful woman and Mother… I am honored to call you my beloved friend… Much love and many blessings to you and Coco… ???
Snannon Black & Phoebe Rose