I always say, “we birth the way we live” – so if you live your life finding pleasure, power and strength – you’ll birth the same way. Today’s birth story is a perfect example of a birth that includes challenge – but find its way to positive and empowering.
Louise shares, “I fell back to using my hypnobirthing practices, telling myself to breathe through each contraction rather than letting myself get upset and tense. I genuinely feel that this mindset is what allowed me to have such a peaceful and wonderful birthing experience.” Read more
How beautiful is that? Louise found ways to move through her challenges which included induction and a imperfect epidural using hynobirthing and relaxation. Her story is powerful and incredibly inspirational!
What techniques do you use to move through pain, sadness, anxiety or frustration in your life? Tag me @OrgasmicBirth and share your unique methods dealing with the challenges that life has to offer.