“One of the primary jobs of being a mother is to encourage our children to achieve happiness and fulfillment by reading and acting on their own innate instructions- a job that is much easier if we ourselves had done such work, and been honest with ourselves about the extent to which we have followed our hearts and lived up to our potential.” -Dr. Northrup, “Mother-Daughter Wisdom”

SINGING to the COLLECTIVE MOTHERS One of my earliest memories celebrating Mother’s Day is that of being a young girl and my older teenage cousin, Mary Anne, gathered all the cousins and taught us the M-O-T-H-E-R SONG so we could sing it to all our Mothers. Mary Anne lined us all up on the stairs with the littlest one on the bottom leading to the older cousins higher up and orchestrated our singing:
“M” is for the million things she gave me, “O” means only that she’s growing old, “T” is for the tears she shed to save me, “H” is for her heart of purest gold; “E” is for her eyes, with love-light shining, “R” means right, and right she’ll always be, Put them all together, they spell “MOTHER” A word that means the world to me. – Howard Johnson
We sang that song to my mother, grandmother and great-grandmother as well as many aunts. I hold all their memories of mothering me and treasure these many special moments. This was such a special moment to me as little girl because we were singing to collective mothers who were all there. Life changes, I am now a mother and grandmother and I see my mothers and the World of Mothers from another vantage point….
FOLLOWING our HEARTS Professionally I share a passion with you to protect every mother’s right to give birth safely with respect, dignity and informed decision making. Both personally and professio
nally the lives of mothers matter! I am committed to sharing the ten-steps to creating Optimal MotherBaby Care, with the International MotherBaby Childbirth Initiative www.imbci.org working to ensure every woman’s right to give birth with quality, respectful care. Together we can, and are, improving the lives of mother’s around the world. And it is with both sadness and hope that I share with you and ask you to read The State of the Worlds Mother’s 2013 from Save the Children. We each make a difference in the lives of mothers.
So this Mother’s Day, as I celebrate you and all the mothers of the world, I ask you are you following your heart? Join me in giving yourself these three gifts:
- Honor all the mothers who have gone before you.
- Acknowledge the greatest gift you give as a mother is to nurture yourself and to live your life to its fullest potential, being an example for your children and others.
- Honor yourself as a woman/mother– whether you have given birth or not, you mother many ways by sharing your creative, nurturing energy with the world.
To register for Dr. Northrup’s online course Lightening the Mother Load, please visit Hayhouse Radio- Early-bird deadline until May 9th!
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