This year the theme of World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action WABA World Breastfeeding Week WBW is Peer Support!
Have you ever had a friend or family-member say, “I’m so glad you were there, you really helped me with breastfeeding.” ? This is peer support- WBW is all about highlighting that peer support and bringing it out into the community even more.
“Depending on the target group, the methods employed may include peer support groups at a community venue; drop-in sessions in a community or health facility for mothers with problems; home visits; phone, email, surface mail, mobile phone text or internet chat help; antenatal and parenting classes; or services linked to hospitals, health centres and community health services. Coordinating peer support with professional health care, between which mothers can be referred if necessary, is particularly valuable, because it builds a continuum of care from maternity hospital to the community”
What kind of BF support do you have in your community?
There are many ways you can bring peer support to your community including hosting a support group or letting organizations know you are available to help. Here are some wonderful resources to get you started:
Linkages Training of Trainers for Mother-to-Mother Support Groups:
Hale Publishing E-Learning “L-CERPs or R-CERPS are available for each eLearning class. Hale Publishing is a long-term provider with the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners for Continuing Education Recognition Points (CERPs). IBLCE Approval Number CLT108-25.”
World Health Organization Breastfeeding counseling: a training course:
WIC Works Breastfeeding Training Resources (there are several resources listed within this one link):
There are many more resources on the World Breastfeeding Week website and we will be discussing peer support all week at: so please join us!
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