What is safe, sacred and succulent with wild, lasting release?
The Orgasmic Birth experience, and it needs a new design!
Our new slogan: Unlock Your Pleasure to the Best-Kept Secret: Orgasmic Birth, needs a new design.
Orgasmic Birth is currently holding a design competition for the new logo that will appear on the Orgasmic Birth DVD, CD, and accompanying online resources. We love rich, earthy colors and bold images and designs that express the joy and freedom of ecstatic, orgasmic birth! And we love real images of real women birthing. You must have copyright permissions for any and all images used. Designs should be high-resolution and available in different dimensions for banners and DVD/CD images.
Please submit your designs thru the “Share Your Story” page and indicate they are for “Obirth Design Competition”. You may submit as many different ideas as you want! Bring your style and savvy together with the Orgasmic Birth message. Winner will receive a Gift Package including a Bali Birth Batik (valued at $39.95), DVD Orgasmic Birth Movie (valued at $29.99), CD Orgasmic Birth Soundtrack (valued at $14.99), Orgasmic Birth Book Guide (valued at $19.99), One-hour consultation with Doula/Birthworker/Director of Orgasmic Birth Movie, Debra Pascali-Bonaro (valued at $200.) AND publication on the Internationally acclaimed and known Orgasmic Birth Movie & Resources (Priceless!). Have fun and feel free to discuss here in the comments or on our obirth fbpage.
Please submit your designs thru the “Share Your Story” page and indicate they are for “Obirth Design Competition”. Submissions accepted thru end of year.
Need a starting point? Here are some past O Birth logos and designs….

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