“She has been our ideological heroine, our legislative pioneer, our practicing-hands-on-let’s-get-birth-right-kind-of-midwife, and a teacher for many future generations of midwives who understand what it means to attend birth with their hands and with their heart because of Elizabeth Davis.” – Robbie Davis Floyd
Did you hear that at the 2015 Midwifery Today Conference in Bad Wildbad, co-author of Orgasmic Birth: Your Guide to a Safe, Satisfying and Pleasurable Birth Experience and author of the classic midwifery text, Heart & Hands: A Midwife’s Guide to Pregnancy & Birth, received Lifetime Achievement Award for her accomplishments as a midwife? I felt such joy when Jan Tritten of Midwifery Today approached me to say she wanted to honor Elizabeth Davis. My heart was singing as Elizabeth is a true hero; educating and advocating for midwifery care in California; leading the way for professional midwives in the US; and touching, educating and inspiring midwives around the world (and even a few physicians!).
Watch the video and listen to Robbie Davis Floyd as she presents the award to Elizabeth Davis and explains how Elizabeth was instrumental in creating the certification that we now have, which is the CPM, and by advocating for state participation to ensure that the North American Registry of Midwives (NARM) certification process would be truly representative of grassroots midwives and their practices. A pioneer midwife honored for her lifetime of work.
Elizabeth Davis also served as a “representative to the Midwives Alliance of North America for five years and as President of the Midwifery Education Accreditation Council for the United States. She holds a degree in Holistic Maternity Care from Antioch University, and is certified by the North American Registry of Midwives.” www.elizabethdavis.com
I was overcome with emotion as Robbie shared Elizabeth’s many accomplishments. I am so honored to call Liz a dear friend, sister and colleague as she inspires, supports and offers me so much wisdom, insights and love as a true mentor in my path to bring more pleasure love and orgasmic joy to birth and life. Tears flowed as I witnessed Elizabeth receiving this award for her dedication and determination to create a profession of midwifery in California and beyond, and for her years of teaching and inspiring all to see the fullness birth holds in the lives of women, families and for caregivers.
Evelyne Bablot says
I’ve had the honnor to translate on of her book, and be transformed by Elisabeth’s message to all women… Just to tell her she can be proud and blessed for all that wonderful work. Thank you!!!!