by Lauren Williams
There are only a few things in life she has recommended that I have not listened carefully to and taken her advice. I can actually only think of two times I may have given her a bit of push back and you may not be surprised to find out they were both when I was in the throws of labor!
The first time I was in deep labor with my first son as Debra sat diligently at my side. I moved into transition, I was overwhelmed, scared and felt very much out of control. In these moments, as many know, it is hard to communicate the deep intensity you feel. At that moment I found the only words I could think of that would express the extreme intensity I was feeling but also have a hint of humor to let her know I was still in there going strong…

The second time I just down-right didn’t listen to my dear cousin was in my second labor.
Labor was slow to start and easy to manage. They with a boom it came on fast and furious. I dilated from 3 cm to holding my son in only 40 minutes.
While I can’t remember much from those 40 minutes other than the intensity, my husband does. He loves to remind me that when Debra was gently trying to get me into the bed and onto my hands and knees, I just stared at her, not taking a step in any direction.
As my husband jokes, I had one of the greatest doulas in the world there with me and I wouldn’t listen to her. In all fairness, I really don’t remember her even speaking, or anyone for that matter but it is kind of funny to think about.
Several years ago Debra introduced me to B-School. Of course, having learned my lesson to take her advice I signed up right away! It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my career. I am a doula, childbirth educator and personal trainer in Denver Colorado. Currently, I am in the process of selling my Yoga studio which I have owned for the last 13 years. Everything we offer is dedicated to women in their childbearing years. We offer prenatal, mommy & me and postpartum Yoga, Childbirth Education and holistic health care practitioners such as massage, Chiropractic, and Acupuncture. B-School was pivotal in me growing my business, helping us create a strong brand and focused goals. B-School has an amazing ability to get you to think of your offerings from the perspective of your client. Which in turn helps you create branding and wording to articulate to your clientele exactly what it is you have to offer. B-School is kind of like a doula for your business.
One of my favorite things about B-School is that when you sign up you get lifetime access to the program. In fact every year I redo B-School with Debra and the amazing team of Childbirth Professionals she has put together (her “Birth Your Dreams Group”). It helps me rethink and refine my marketing, my offerings, and my website.
My family and I are about to move abroad for my husband’s job and I am starting fresh in the next incarnation of my career. As I begin to build my new offerings and ideas I am so very thankful that I have B-School to turn to as a foundation to build from. This is truly one of the best investments I have made as I grow I know B-School is always there to help me grow in a very efficient and articulate way.
I can say that I think I have learned my lesson to listen to Debra when she provides advice! She’s one of those women who just seems to know the right moves to make, be it in childbirth or in business.

About Lauren
Lauren Williams is the mother of 3 young boys, a Birth and Infertility Doula, Childbirth Educator, Personal Trainer and the founder and former owner or Belly Bliss.
About Birth Your Dreams
Lauren is amongst our incredible group of Birth Your Dreams entrepreneurs that have joined Marie Forleo’s B-School and our community.
Marie is offering a free video series for a limited time in February 2020 to get started building your dream business.
Our Birth Your Dreams Community is a special group of birthworkers who have signed up to join B-School via my affiliate link. Together we work through the B-School Marketing Course learning tips for expanding our message and businesses. As Birthworkers, we have our own unique set of goals and ideas, and together we lift each other higher and support one another on our journeys.
B-School helps each of us to continue sharing our message while creating sustainable, healthy businesses.
Interested in learning more? Join my Birth Your Dreams Mailing List for updates on B-School and more blogs from our group.
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