I wake each morning with an attitude of gratitude and in even the stormiest of days I find peace.
I am often asked how I do that, find light even in the darkness.
One of the quotes I love on this is from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”
It is a conscious choice to bring light, peace and love to life and birth.
I chose peace and love when any fear or challenge appears.
To do this I first honor the feelings, look for the lessons I can take from it about myself and the world, and then I ask what fears are “False Evidence Appearing Real” -(FEAR) and which are fears I should address and use my coping skills / self care tool kit to find my peace and shine my light.
I believe this is true for birth too, as birth has become more technological and industrialized we have stripped away the many ways we find peace, pleasure, love and bliss that are every person’s birth right!
This has left us with growing fear of childbirth. Many birth fears are false evidence appearing real – and many are from a broken maternity system that has lost its own connection to respect, love, joy and the miracle of birth and leaves too many people put down emotionally and physically.
I hope you will enjoy more about pleasure and pain in childbirth on my recent Orgasmic Birth blog and share your thoughts about the growing fear in Childbirth and how you can be Positively Prepared for Birth!
How childbirth is managed often increases fear and puts MotherBaby at risk - create pleasure instead of fear!” @orgasmicbirthClick To TweetI am thinking of you as together we shine our light and share our love as the world and childbirth need more peace, love and light.
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