I have always loved the saying – “Peace on Earth Begins at Birth”. Today, Earthday, is the perfect day to look at how we can nurture Mother Earth. It is also a great day to look at how we can Birth our babies naturally.
These days many people incorporate an eco-lifestyle, but then when it comes times for childbirth turn their bodies and their babies over to medicine and drugs. I encourage everyone to take the time today and over the next few months to explore your natural birth options. Researching your options now can help you and your baby avoid many of the chemicals and medications later that are often overused at childbirth (for which the short and long term consequences have not been extensively studied).
Today as I celebrate our Mother Earth, I enjoyed reading Alicia Silverstone’s Earth Day Challenge with great ideas of things we can each do to make a difference. When Alicia was expecting her baby, she wrote about our documentary Orgasmic Birth: The Best-Kept Secret and she featured our book Orgasmic Birth: Your Guide to a Safe, Satisfying and Pleasurable Birth in the Kind Life Book Club, listed as one of her favorite books to read while pregnant.
Alicia reminds us “A great documentary can be the best reminder of why we choose to maintain a kind lifestyle.” Here is Alicia’s recommended documentary list in honor of Earth Day. I would like to encourage you to see our new Green Version, of the award winning documentary, Organic Birth: Birth is Natural!
Take one-step today to make change. Share with us what you are doing to honor our Mother Earth and how you are preparing for an Eco-Friendly Natural Childbirth.
We birth the way we live!! Wishing you a pleasurable Earth Day!
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