This October 2020, I will be joining my friend, Dr. Claudia Citkovitz an amazing acupuncturist, to teach an extraordinary skill-building and body-spirit nurturing retreat in beautiful Western Massachusetts. This ‘Yin Birth’ retreat is strictly limited to 24 people, and will cultivate the Yin qualities of relaxation and stillness, as well as joy and connection.
Teaching sessions with me and Claudia during the day include acupressure for labor preparation, finding relaxation during birth, a frank discussion on comfort, communication and power, and advanced acupressure and bodywork techniques for obstructed labor.
Equally important, the spacious day’s plan includes optional hiking in the woods, Qigong with Claudia and yoga with Corinne Andrews, creator of the Birthing Mama® training, as well as a fire circle and our own private wood-fired sauna. Hosted by the Sirius community, delicious gluten-free meals and snacks are locally grown and sourced vegetarian with options for paleo/keto. Self-care is also a priority with available acupuncture or bodywork and a nearby hot tub on Sunday night, and optional makeup lesson and headshot on Monday afternoon (who doesn’t need a new headshot, taken after a weekend of relaxation and great company?)
Meet Claudia
Claudia Citkovitz, PhD LAc is an acupuncturist who has taught acupuncture for birth in Brooklyn, NY since 2003, and first took Debra’s doula training class in 2007 where they became fast friends. Since then the two have cross-trained dozens of acupuncturists and doulas, but this is the first time they have taught together. Claudia’s 2009 study of acupuncture during labor and delivery was the first published in the US, as was her 2015 PhD study on acupuncture for stroke rehabilitation. Claudia’s book ‘Acupressure and Acupuncture during Birth’ is available from Amazon or can be ordered at your local bookstore through Singing Dragon Press.
We cannot wait for this luxurious and pleasurable retreat together. If you have any questions feel free to write back to me – and learn more about our retreat here.
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