World Breastfeeding Week gives me a reason to pause each year and consider all of the benefits of breastfeeding. Personally, I spent 9 years of my life breastfeeding my children. I cherished those days, the connection, the nurturing, the snuggles and the many ways I continue to learn that breastfeeding was beneficial for me and for them. Each year, I learn more and more reasons to celebrate, protect and promote breastfeeding. This year the theme of World Breastfeeding Week is Support Breastfeeding for a Healthier Planet. Breastfeeding is a natural, renewable food that is environmentally safe and green because it is produced and delivered to the consumer without pollution, packaging or waste. Now that is something to celebrate when thinking about the world our children will grow up into!
These last few months have made us aware of how connected we all are to one another. It’s opened our eyes wider to how we must come together to heal and to promote the health and well-being of every person, in every way. When we see breastfeeding having a role in health, well-being and the environment. We must be aware of how profits over people have provided mixed messages with formula companies violating the Code of Marketing Breastfeeding Substitutes. I hope you will join me in sharing how you support breastfeeding in your life and your community. What do you value about breastfeeding? Share your pictures of your breastfeeding, or a breastfeeding slogan on Instagram and tag us @OrgasmicBirth
I have so much more to say about pleasure, breastfeeding, sex and relationships – learn my PLEASURES from my book, “The Ultimate Guide to Sex After Baby: Secrets to Love & Intimacy”
WABA – World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action writes:
“In supporting breastfeeding for a healthier planet and overcoming effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, we need to create a warm chain of support for breastfeeding. It is vital that we emphasise the importance of providing skilled support to all breastfeeding families, especially those in vulnerable/emergency situations. Governments, employers and businesses should be made aware of the investment case for breastfeeding as part of the global sustainable development agenda. Activists and celebrants can find creative ways to move the #WBW2020 campaign online, to stay informed, to advocate virtually and to engage with actors and stakeholders beyond the breastfeeding movement. This creates an enabling environment that empowers all women/parents to breastfeed optimally. The #WBW2020 campaign presents a framework for understanding the links between breastfeeding and planetary health. WABA has outlined some of the challenges and present some possible solutions. Supporting breastfeeding for a healthier planet means leaving no one behind. Together, we can achieve a win-win situation for humanity and the planet.”
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