Mother’s Advocate & Lamaze work to educate about the 6 Healthy Birth Practices. On April 28th Debra discussed “Birth Your Way” at HackensackUMC Mountainside for a special afternoon of images and stories of birthing around the world. Debra will incorporate these Lamaze Healthy Birth Practices in her teaching.
- Healthy Birth Practice 1: Let labor begin on its own
What question did you ask your Care Provider about Induction such as “Can we try more natural methods of induction before using drugs?
- Healthy Birth Practice 2: Walk, move around and change positions throughout labor Did you ask for portable monitoring equipment that allows women to walk around even if they need continuous fetal monitoring?
- Healthy Birth Practice 3: Bring a loved one, friend or doula for continuous support
Research confirms that labor is safer and healthier when women are supported throughout the process.
- Healthy Birth Practice 4: Avoid interventions that are not medically necessary
All interventions have risks, and many can disrupt the processes of labor and birth and make them more difficult and complicated.
- Healthy Birth Practice 5: Avoid giving birth on your back and follow your body’s urges to push
When a woman follows her own body during the pushing stage of labor, she is likely to push when she feels a strong urge to do so, and she will hold her breath for only short periods of time, if at all. This is called “spontaneous pushing.”
- Healthy Birth Practice 6: Keep mother and baby together – It’s best for mother, baby and breastfeeding
…scientists have discovered that unmedicated babies who are held skin to skin and undisturbed in the hour after birth need no help at all to start nursing.
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