EAT PRAY DOULA Bumi Sehat Bali
“Attending the Eat Pray Doula workshop. Meeting Ibu Robin, Katherine Bramhall, & Debra Pascali-Bonaro. Changed my life! The flow of oxytocin over these 12 days was phenomenal. To spend time in the presence of like minded women from all over the world. Women who all believe in and support calm gentle birth. Made me believe that we can indeed bring change as Robin says” “building peace, one mother, one baby, at a time.”
We started each day with yoga at the beautiful organic Swatsi Eco Lodge. Our days were filled with wide eyed wonder a the knowledge and skill shared with us by these 3 amazing teachers Robin, Debra, and Katherine. Each day we all shared meals together and excitedly spoke of all we had learned and collectively what we could achieve in our own parts of the world. We did many hands on skills Learning techniques using the birth balls, rebozo, Group excercises. In the evenings we joined all our new friend sister Doula’s exploring beautiful Ubud and sharing evening meals in extraordinary restaurants and often finishing our evenings watching birth films. We were able to witness the incredible selfless work that Ibu Robin and the ‘bidan’s’ do during their work at Bumi Sehat. Some of us even had the privilege of being present at gentle water birth’s. I was welcomed, encourage, inspired, and loved. I left Bali with a true vision of my life’s path and have every day since felt the combined strength, power and passion of all the women I meet. I am doing everything in my power to return to Bali this year to attend the extended birth skills workshop. And hopefully again meet up with some of my soul sisters in Spirit.” ~ Kim Williams
I have been a doula for over 25 years, and have trained doulas in over 25 countries. Most of these trainings have been fast-paced workshops lasting one to three days. What I am doing now is relaxing into the teaching mode by expanding the time and the experience. Robin Lim, Katherine Bramhall and I have co-developed week-long workshops in Bali that are designed to fully immerse you in the world of gentle birth and to further awaken your inner wisdom. Work alongside Robin, Katherine, me, and your fellow companions in gentle birth to celebrate the flow of creative power within us. Join our mailing list at Participants will be offered an opportunity to visit Bumi Sehat Bali, the amazing birth center that Ibu Robin Lim started and for it, won CNN Hero of the year for her humanitarian work of bringing Gentle Birth to the woman and men of Bali. Complete three parts toward your Doula certification in beautiful Bali with Ibu Robin Lim, Debra Pascali Bonaro, and Katherine Bramhall.
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