Do you have a dream or vision you want to bring out into the world?
A new product, program or class?
If you are like me I knew I could be doing more and better, yet I didn’t have the time or money to do anything different. I was working as hard and fast as I could with no time for anything more and lacking funds to do more too. Until one of my friends told me to check out Marie Forleo’s B-School. I took a quick peak and thought it was interesting but I had too many projects to finish to look more. A few weeks later another friend said to me, you have a great message, but you are not reaching all who need to hear it. Check out Marie Forleo’s B-School. I love the universe, helping me to see that as I loved being part of a community of support and learning around childbirth, I needed this for my business too. To have creative, innovative and life affirming techniques and guidance to create a model of marketing and learning that would not only transform me, but my website and business model and spread a message of power, pleasure and possibilities to women and men around the world, my passion to transform childbirth.
I began to watch past episodes of Marie TV, to listen to comments by her past students and yes you guessed it, another person contacted me to say how much they though I could benefit from Marie’s B-School. Well, I realized I could not afford not to join B-School, so I took the leap and signed up and so much has changed. I have a new look, a weekly pleasurable e-news, our business has grown, I’ve launched Orgasmic Birth Pleasurable Birth Essentials, written, The Ultimate Guide to Sex After Baby, and I am now piloting our new Orgasmic Birth Practitioner Program.
So many people have commented on all the changes they have seen in my message and me. Our team is growing, and I am so grateful for their help to implement our vision. Together we have the confidence and skills to make it happen with the knowledge and tools that B-School provided. I go through B-School every year since B-School is a lifetime membership, and I learn something new every time.
I invite you to join me in B-School. Please use my affiliate link. By joining thru me, you take your first step in a new model of supporting each other and no matter what business you are in, we can find ways to support each other and be paid to do it! I look forward to seeing you in B-School and watching as you reach your dreams and spread your vision. We are changing the world and changing the way we do business. Instead of competition we are collaborating, helping each other to fly and in doing so, bringing a healthy model, a fun model of living our passion and earning the income we deserve while doing our part to create a healthy, peaceful world.
I never thought a year later I would be writing this blog to share how much B-School has benefited me and be inviting you to join B-School too.
Ask yourself if you are ready to take your dream and vision to the next level? Do you want to have a business that thrives?
Give yourself the gift that will keep on giving B-School.
We all know there’s a lot of confusing information out there, but this video breaks it down into simple, do-able steps that you can use right now to get out of overwhelm and get on the right track. Here’s what you’ll learn:
The Six Step Roadmap build your online business
The major changes coming in the next 5 -10 years that are really important to understand and why it’s really important that you up your online game now, before these changes happen.
What you must know, what you must understand, and the sequence you have to follow if you want to use this incredible gift we have — the internet — to do what you love and get paid for it.
You don’t want to miss her Six Pillar roadmap — the first part of this amazing free video training series.
I hope to see you in our private B-School Whatsapp group soon and hear how B-School changes your business model and your life.
About Birth Your Dreams
Our Birth Your Dreams Community is a special group of birthworkers who have signed up to join B-School via my affiliate link. Together we work through the B-School Marketing Course learning tips for expanding our message and businesses. As Birthworkers, we have our own unique set of goals and ideas, and together we lift each other higher and support one another on our journeys.
B-School helps each of us to continue sharing our message while creating sustainable, healthy businesses.
Interested in learning more? Join my Birth Your Dreams Mailing List for updates on B-School and more blogs from our group.